[Podcast] Show 19: The importance of creativity to fuel your marketing

I’m concerned. I’m spending time with marketers. Smart marketers. People who are marketing born, marketing bred. My concern is their willingness to set the standard they want to reach based on the disciplines of their competitors.

It’s no bad thing to be aware of what your competition are up to. But, to analyse their tactics and set your own bar at the level of the competition? It displays a lack of belief.

Let’s aim higher than the industry standard. Be inspired by the industries around you. The innovators. The disruptors. The creativity on display in industry far and wide.

Marketers are spending less and less time in a creative role. We’re fulfilling weekly tasks with very little thought for adventure. It’s becoming a case of ‘getting the job done’.

The weekly newsletter? How can we get it out as quickly and efficiently as possible?

The social media shares? What software can automate the process of updating numerous social outposts?

It’s good that we’re looking to increase our productivity. The problem is we have so many marketing projects on the go that we’re losing our ability to group and consider how we can be more captivating with our work. Do you feel the same?

Great marketers think and do creatively. They step back from the day-to-day chores and consider their audience and what they can do to make their service more appealing. Through creative means.

In this week’s podcast, Mark and I discuss what it means to be creative as a marketer and the pitfalls the marketer faces in balancing the art and science of modern marketing.

Hope you enjoy the next 30 minutes…


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Written By:

Ian Rhodes


First employee of an ecommerce startup back in 1998. I've been using building and growing ecommerce brands ever since (including my own). Get weekly growth lessons from my own work delivered to your inbox below.

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