The digital curtain twitcher

How much does the action of your competitors influence your own work?

Pre-Internet ( when suits were still worn at the desk ) very few in your business will be able to tell you about the guerrilla tactics used to wander beyond enemy lines.

Faking a Scottish accent as you called your competitor to request a brochure sleuthing in the local telephone box. The stories of old.

Now, we have a greater access to what our competitors are doing. The ads, the latest news page, the facebook likes and twitter messages. You get a sense of how your competitors are spending their days.

My question is ‘so what?’

Does it really matter?

Is there an extra layer of confidence to your work knowing your competitors are taking similar steps?

If they’re spending £10,000 a month on Adwords to your measly £750, does it really mean they’re seeing reward for their endeavour?

4,000 facebook likes?

twice as many twitter followers?

Does it translate to better performing marketing?

Or, does it simply mean they’re just as stumped as you are in finding a more meaningful route into your customer’s thoughts?

‘What are our competitors doing?’ should no longer influence your actions. Take influence from beyond the industry walls.

Likewise, if a fear of the competition getting to know your business a little better is stifling your own customers’ journey? Let them follow. Just make sure you take the lead.

Forget the competition. Focus on your customer.

Written By:

Ian Rhodes


First employee of an ecommerce startup back in 1998. I've been using building and growing ecommerce brands ever since (including my own). Get weekly growth lessons from my own work delivered to your inbox below.

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