Trust isn’t always gained over coffee


You’re sat at the meeting room table. Across from you a potential new customer sips her coffee and intently listens. She smiles and nods as you address her concerns head on. You’re earning her trust and you’re quietly confident you will also win her business.

I recall a conversation from a few years back. A prospect was frustrated with the level of enquiries he received through his business’ website. He wanted to open doors. It’s a common frustration. To win the opportunity to live the scenario I painted above. To get around the table with a prospective customer.

He wanted his website to create that opportunity. To generate the lead that will enable the conversation. The conventional approach.

He was confident he could win business when he met his potential client one-to-one.

My question was this. “Can you only build trust over coffee (in the meeting room)? Why can’t the questions (you respond to so positively in person) be answered through your website?”

We seem to forget the opportunity that our website’s can create for us. Not just to generate the lead, but to pre-empt our prospect’s concerns by addressing key questions head-on. It’s old school lead nurturing.

You know how smart marketers keep rabbiting on about delivering purposeful content? This is the reason why. To create content that starts conversations for your business, not just to add names to the database.


  1. Think about the opportunity to on-board your prospects to your way of thinking through email. Are you simply asking people to ‘subscribe’ or are you considering what you can offer as a way to win trust… a reason to subscribe?
  2. Think about the blogs you write. Do you provide information or share knowledge?
  3. Consider the impact of the ‘call us today’ message when you’ve given your prospect little reason to contact you in the first place.

Presenting your label as a ‘solution provider’ means nothing if you don’t isolate the problems that you can help solve.

Written By:

Ian Rhodes


First employee of an ecommerce startup back in 1998. I've been using building and growing ecommerce brands ever since (including my own). Get weekly growth lessons from my own work delivered to your inbox below.

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