I remember… you’re the ones who…

We’re all busy pounding out articles in hope that they’ll be read. That our businesses will ‘be seen’ and ‘stand out from the crowd’.

Standing out isn’t enough. Standing out is drawing attention to ourselves. It’s not about connecting with your audience.

We’re throwing money like it’s the leftover Christmas chocolate coins into our Adwords accounts to grab those prized search positions (to be seen). But then we just hurl some hyperbole in the direction of our unknown readers…

Attention vs Memorable - What Are You Looking To Achieve?


You need to start writing with the goal of being remembered, not simply standing out.

You can stand out by throwing an infographic full of industry stats my way. Thanks that make you go oooh. That will grab my attention. I won’t remember who you are though.

The simple stuff can help.

Just being human can help. On any and every page of your website.

Are you going to tell me about how your service is pricing ‘tailored to my needs’? Are you doing that because you’re afraid your competition find out your prices?

Or are you going to make me smile? Just like Social Toasters did on their pricing page?

SocialToaster - pricing page that will make you smile

SocialToasters.com – Pricing Page

Maybe you have an ‘About Us’ page that lists all your staff (in alphabetical order to ensure there’s no visible hierarchy you trendy people you…). Maybe I can hover over the black and white images of your team and see what their job title is too?

Or, maybe you do what Bliss do. You let me get to know your team…

Bliss Digital - About Us

How simple is that? A claim to fame followed by a nice friendly bio of each of their team? They’ll telling me something interesting. Is it all about their function? Or is it about their personality?

My preference is always the latter. You tick (who?) vs what makes you tick (why?).

When I warm to you I’m going to grant you my time. Time to get to know what you do. I’ll give you the time to explain how you can help me.

That’s how people connect with businesses (by connecting with people).

Your objective is to write to be remembered. Every article. Every page.

You want to get on the phone to your reader the very next day and ask them who you are. You want to hear the response ‘I remember…you’re the ones who… [something unique to you]’

That’s how you humanise your business.

People buy from people.

Written By:

Ian Rhodes


First employee of an ecommerce startup back in 1998. I've been using building and growing ecommerce brands ever since (including my own). Get weekly growth lessons from my own work delivered to your inbox below.

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