1,025,109 ideas for your next blog post

Blogging Ideas

You should never be stuck for something to say. Especially when conversation relates to a topic that impacts upon your customer’s world.

I like what Saul Kaplan (Founder of Business Innovation Factory) had to say in a recent article;

“We only learn when we move fluidly off topics and across them. In the gray areas between topics we find the gold — the best and most important value-creating opportunities”

And it’s so true. It also relates to your approach to writing.

A recent statistic that I made up stated that 99.9% of writers do get stuck for something to say. Maybe it’s because you focus too much on the topic in hand? The starting point. Maybe you should, as Saul suggests, move into the gray area.

That’s the area you can take ownership of. That’s the area where you can start conversations beyond your blog post. Conversations with your own customers.

You won’t struggle for a starting point. There are 1,025,109 of them. They’re called words. That’s how many words there are in the English language.

It’s the approach myself and Mark Masters are taking with the vast majority of Marketing Homebrew podcasts. We’re coming up to 100 recorded episodes. We pick a word and then have a conversation where that word is the starting point. A single word topic for 30 minutes of conversation. Inevitably conversation wanders off. It wanders into the gray area. That’s okay. It’s called flow.

Try it yourself. Start with the letter A and find a word that you can create meaning for in your customer’s world. Use it as your starting point. Then see where it takes you. I’m confident that writing in this way will force you to add your own perspective to your work.

It’s that perspective that differentiates you from the competition.

It’s that perspective that draws people back to listen/read/view once more.

That’s called connection.

Written By:

Ian Rhodes


First employee of an ecommerce startup back in 1998. I've been using building and growing ecommerce brands ever since (including my own). Get weekly growth lessons from my own work delivered to your inbox below.

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