How to time your next email campaign to perfection

Timing Your Emails To Perfection

Here’s an idea. Dispatch your email when people are the most likely to respond.

Pretty simple advice. Obvious. But, just how many times have you clicked the ‘send’ button on your newsletter campaign to tick the box ‘this week’s newsletter’ complete?

It’s especially important to consider timing when you’re promoting a product your email subscribers are unaware of.

So, when is the best time to send your email newsletter?

Sure is a popular question.

pretty much everyone is ready to chirp in with stats informing you of the ‘best practice guide’ to email timing optimisation.

The best time to dispatch your newsletter is that moment when your customer needs your product the most.

25% of emails are opened in the first half hour. Less than half are opened after the first hour.

I do preach the value of email consistency. Setting a date with your email subscribers for your regular newsletter. Whether that be daily, weekly or fortnightly. It’s crucial to how you focus your own time on mastering email marketing.

Sometimes, you’re just going to have to bend the rules.

I go back to my earlier point. What to do when you have a product land on your shelves that you know is of value to your entire list, rather than a segment?

Time that email to perfection.

Here’s an example that really stresses the point. are a UK retailer of health and beauty technology. A niche they’re conquering with success.

Take a look at the below email with the subject line ‘A Flash Sale KNOT To Miss Back Nodger Only £19.99′. See, there’s even space to inject a bit of humour.

Great example of a perfectly timed email

A nice simple email that literally focuses on a common pain point. Boom boom. It addresses the benefit the ‘Back Nodger’ provides. Always good to include a viable testimonial too. The 24 hour flash sale? Perfect to motivate the immediate purchase.

Here’s what I liked about this particular email shot.

It was in my inbox at 5:30pm on a late Monday afternoon.

Think about that timing for a moment.

Post-weekend. Post-long day back at the office. Just as subscribers are closing down their work computer (don’t worry about that, the email is more than likely received on the phone) ready for the commute home. If there’s one time you need release tension? It’s 5:30pm on a Monday.

I’m guessing this was a pretty successful campaign.

That success will be down to the precise timing of the email hitting their subscriber’s inbox.

When will you dispatch your next email newsletter?

There’s great advice out there to help you master your newsletter timing. There’s also the advanced automation technology, such as Campaign Monitor’s update this week that will time your emails based on the historic open rates of the individual. All great stuff.

However, sometimes we just require a little manual intervention. A little consideration of when your customer will need what you’re selling.

Written By:

Ian Rhodes


First employee of an ecommerce startup back in 1998. I've been using building and growing ecommerce brands ever since (including my own). Get weekly growth lessons from my own work delivered to your inbox below.

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