[Podcast] Figuring out your message

Content Marketing - What's Your Message?

Podcasting keeps me on my toes. Each week we jump into a new topic and it forces you to consider your own marketing message. You can’t be preaching one thing and doing another. This week our 30 minute conversation focused upon ‘message‘.

Am I getting my own message right? More importantly, does my message matter?

I’m prone to change things. I use this website, this blog, as a test ground for work with my clients. I test marketing automation tools for email delivery, verify WordPress widgets actually work, split-test software and so on. My plugins folder is a who’s who of marketing technology.

Your efforts can become so focused on delivery you forget what it is you want to deliver.

Spending time fine-tuning the delivery mechanism that fuels a mis-firing message.

What’s the message you want to send?

What’s the message you want to be remembered by?

Ask your reader, your customer, ‘What’s life like now that you’ve got what we gave?’ Once we focus on what we help people to achieve it makes our ability to communicate a message that matters far far easier.

Your message differentiates you. It shares your perspective, mission and value.

It sits at the core of your unique value proposition.

It’s the one-liner that separates you from the crowd.

and it’s bloody difficult to get right.

You don’t want to be too vague. You don’t want to be too complex.

Let your people know that you’re always figuring things out. That’s your mission. You might not offer a solution. Solutions are difficult promises to make. You do offer a path towards a goal. You’ve put in the hours to help people achieve that goal.

That message may be an emotive question.

It may be a statement of opinion.

It may be a hook to intrigue your reader to find out more.

Complete the following sentence, ‘we’re on a journey to help our clients discover …’

That might just be the message that you’re looking for.


Join Mark and myself as we dive deeper into a conversation about message. It’s 30 minutes. Hope you take something from our talk.




Written By:

Ian Rhodes


First employee of an ecommerce startup back in 1998. I've been using building and growing ecommerce brands ever since (including my own). Get weekly growth lessons from my own work delivered to your inbox below.

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