You’ll never shake hands with a business

You Do With People - Not Businesses

Think about it for a second. All the content you create. Is it written by a person or a business?

I don’t want to go down the whole ‘humanise your business’ route. You’ve read enough about that. I just want you to consider how connections are made. How conversations are started. How trust is gained.

You’ll never ever shake hands with a business.

The handshake is the introduction, the conclusion. It’s the welcome and it’s the ‘so long’. We’re taught how to shake hands properly.

And yet, a large proportion of businesses out there (on the t’interweb) fail to associate their business with their people. Strange isn’t it?

People talk. People listen. People do all sorts of things that businesses don’t.

We take comfort in putting our best work out in the name our business. As if people we’re looking to attract have some sort of association with “businesses”. Which we rarely do.

Your people are the greatest differentiators you have available to you. Far beyond the products and systems we’re only to happy to shout about.

Use your people to your advantage:

  • your newsletter – the subscription confirmation page as well as the newsletter itself
  • your articles – signed off by the writer with a link to their archive and social profiles
  • your website imagery – I don’t want to see a smiley stock photo
  • your video content – do you really need a professional voiceover?

I’ve listened to corporate podcasts where the host failed to reveal who she was…

Let your people tell your story.

Why isolate your people to the ‘about us’ page? Saying that, there’s ample amounts of stock photography on those pages too…

One man band? No problem. You can even sell your own future when you put your name to what you do.

Written By:

Ian Rhodes


First employee of an ecommerce startup back in 1998. I've been using building and growing ecommerce brands ever since (including my own). Get weekly growth lessons from my own work delivered to your inbox below.

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